What a great feeling...to see your hardwork finally ON THE COVER of a magazine. We flew to Cali in April for a week for this photoshoot we planned since February. It was exciting cause we were many people involved and though all of us know more each other on a personal level, we had never worked together before. The prepping for the shoot was actually done all online and over the phone.
We casted the models online, discussed the makeup look over the phone and via photos, gave the general guidelines to Bruce from GDK Studios. Viet Beauty Magazine was so professional and organized and their magazine is simply BEAUTIFUL. We are originally Vietnamese and very proud of our roots and doing this photoshoot also allowed us to pay tribute to our country and to get closer to it. Quang Nguyen from Viet Beauty was very caring and helpful in the process. Not only was he translating when the Vietnamese got too "advanced..lol ( our 1st language is French then English...go figure!:)), he also put us in touch with some other Vietnamese Newspapers such as Nguoi Viet, Phu Nu and VBS ( Vietnamese Broadcast Services) which we all interviewed with and will hopefully be written up (?!...:))... THANKS QUANG ( Note to self, Vietnamese men are GENTLEMEN! lol)

The whole week was marvelous. We shot 2 ads video for the website www.sachika.com ( watch out!), ate some delicious Vietnamese food ( our FAVORITE...though good homie Viet cooking is practically inexistant in NYC!), had some time to catch with some friends on the West Coast ( Calvin ( the best host you can ask for!), Sarah ( stunning actress), Nikki and Alex Pearson ( gorgeous mixed twins), Holmes ( amazing actor featured in our upcoming very ssexxy video ad), and our dear Marie- Louise, managed to go to the beach ( Cali without The Beach?.......nawwww) and shot great ( thrilling) footage for our upcoming TV Reality show: The Real Twins of NYC....Work is definitely fun and fun is work! ;)

The photoshoot went so smooth: Bruce and Vu were on top of their game and made it look like it was the easiest gig they ever shot! Bruce created a back wall JUST FOR OUR PHOTOSHHOOT and we were just soooo in love with the color...this rich teal/emerald...with tonal branches...simply unique and very 3D! He took 2 weeks of his own time to do it!.......THANK YOU BRUCE ( and your crew!).It turned out that Jade, Yuki and Lyndzi were all 3 very good picks as they complemented one another since they all had their own look. Anha did an amazing job with the makeup ( she is so precise and artistic!). Gwen totally nailed the look for the hair style, we wanted sultry and sophisticated and she delivired! YOU gals ROCK! xo

EVERYTHING turned out really well. Our team was:
Models: Lyndzi, Jade, Yuki
Hair: Gwen Huyen Tran
Makeup: Anha Nguyen
wardrobe designer: SACHIKA ( US!)
Photographer: Bruce from gdk studios

Congrats to everyone who made it happen!!! A month and half later, we are flipping through the May/June issue of Viet Beauty magazine ( sipping on some Frozen Marguaritas......not!...yea right! ) and contemplating the 12 page-editorial spread of SACHIKA with us on the C-O-V-E-R !!! AMAZING!

"Dreams Do Come True"...
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