Being an identical twin is simply a wonderful thing. From the moment we were born, we basically had a best friend, a favorite sister, a partner in crime: someone who goes through all the same stages in life at the same time.
According to everyone, that "someone" looks very much like me if not " identical" to me. Being a twin, I can tell you that we have huge differences and I am always still shocked to see that many people do not see those differences between us. It may sound weird but yes I think we look very different. Do you have a brother or a sister that everyone thinks looks very much like you, but you don't think so? That is a feeling I often experience. Truth is, not only are we very different physically but more importantly our personalities are as well. People just have to get passed the similarities and look for what makes us unique. After all, don't we all want to be unique?...
Well as a twin, I feel like I've often had the desire to really distinguish myself as an individual and not the pair. I always seek to feel special and unique and long to be appreciated for who I am ( yes ME, not my sister) as opposed to always be referred to " The Twins". Dating can be very complicated and awkward for twins (well for us it is!). Most of the times, I happened to be in a serious relationship whereas my twin sister, to be the single one. Fairly simple for all the guys who wanted to a date "us", they would automatically asked my sister out :P
"Now that we are both single, I wonder...how do men choose? "
Do they choose or do they get chosen? What goes through their mind? After all, they ultimately need to make a choice!!! Yup, the fact that we are twins does not mean that we come together as a package...oh no...!!! (BIG NO)
We want you to share your experience with us. Have you ever dated a twin? How did the selection happen? How was the relationship? Any confusion?
Never dated a twin but let me know if you want to be the first! lol
ReplyDeleteNice blog!
I never dated a twin either. But I can imagine, as women how annoying it maybe. I think the woman utlimately chooses the man, based on her feelings of the man being genuinely interested in getting to know her and not her twin and not the self centered idea he can have two.
ReplyDeleteNo i have never dated a twin, but if i had to choose one, i would take my time and see whose spirit really interests me. Looks are not always what you should go on because they are twins and have similar beautiful features. I agree with one of your commentors above that utimately, women are the ones who really choose, you just make us (men) think we do lol.
ReplyDeleteYes I dated a twin when I was 16 years old. It was kind of annoying because they were identical. I would always get into trouble because I would kiss the wrong one. LOL
ReplyDeleteReally interesting blog! Very honest and straightforward. :)
ReplyDeleteYeah my guy friends always have a fantasy of dating both twins but it's good that you let them know that it's a BIG NO! :) lolz.
Hi Guys!
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to read all of your comments. I found this article and it is quite interesting.
This article would probably the most accurate from a point of view of someone who has dated either one of us.
The reality is we find that most people who get close to us ( boyfriend, friend, etc) really know us and they see the differences physically and personality wise. It is even absurd for them that one can be mistaken for the other!
Still, we remain very curious on the subject...
Something to think about!
Viena, dating a twin surely comes with a lot of problems and issues which you may not want to deal with...Its actually complicated.
ReplyDeleteLove is a two-way street and I think ultimately it has to be a mutual feeling. The woman should be choosing the man as much as the man should be choosing that specific twin. Hopefully he is genuinely interested in her and not one of the twins "which ever one chooses him". Its the same concept as with any other woman. Men shouldn't date a woman by saying in his mind " either her or her best friend" would be fine unless they just want to have fun. Right?
About us:
ReplyDeleteYes the woman definitely has to choose the man but the man has to make a choice as well. If it's a match, then we got a deal if not, NO DEAL and don't he dare approach the 2nd twin...lol...You gotta take a risk.
ReplyDeleteYes communication is key. Men are simple. If, us women, do not clearly voice to them what we really want or we don't want, then we should not expect them to figure things out by themselves. Make it easy; show him the way.
ReplyDeleteYou were only 16 years old and I'm sure you were not in love. If you open your heart and pay attention to all the details of the girl you liked, everything would have been clear and you would have probably FELT a difference. Each human being has their own soul, vibe and aura...But again, you were a little boy and hormones were probably going crazy...lol...You were a kid...admit it, deep down, you wanted both :)
Both? nope, one of them was a fire of drama the other had a plesant personally. i dated the "fire of drama" I guess you can say they were fire and ice. I remember both of them use to argue sooo much - i found it funny as hell. At 16, I didn't care, a g/f here and one there. Just as long I didn't get caught. It was fun :) Now, I'm not that way at all. I know what i want.
ReplyDeleteRic, glad to know that you've changed. People change and grow.That's awesome:)
ReplyDeleteI dated a twin about 5 years ago.I would say it happened by faith. I met one of the twins years before and I thought she was very attractive but nothing happened because she had a boyfriend at the time. A few years later I met the twin sister and she was single and we connected right away so we dated for a while. If the first twin I met was single perhaps maybe we would have dated but things happened differently. Or maybe I would have not clicked with her, who knows; it didn't happened. Instead I met the twin and we had instant chemistry. Timing is really important too.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting. It's true that timing is very important in life for everything and especially when it comes to love. Sometimes two people could be great together but the timing is just not right. I always believed in: whatever is meant to be is meant to be. I also think that if you had a connection with twin#2 then you most likely would have not have the same connection with twin#1. Energy and vibes are so different from one person to another.
ReplyDeleteyou know that song by usher and r.kelly "same girls"...
the girls in the video are they really twins???
i am going to try to find out!!!!LOL
I'll check it out
ReplyDeleteI think if the ex-boyfriend had a problem with the other sister he really was not trying to hard to get along. They have a common interest the sister that would be a start of building a friendship. Also if the other Sister sees that her sisters boyfriend is not treating her twin with care she of course will have a problem with him. Instead of jumping into a relationship with a sister the guys whould try being friends first and get to know the potential sister in a different light, she would be more open to him being around more.
ReplyDeleteAs Twins i think you do have psychic powers, you know and feel things that others can not.
ReplyDeleteThis does work though if you are truly in love with someone, you know when the phone rings that it is them, they sense when something is wrong and they are no where near you. You may also communicate in your dreams when you have something on your mind. Best friends sometimes can tap into these intuitions, i believe everyone has thei ability but you have to be in tuned with yourself and nature to access this.
I agree with you about vibrations, we give off different waves when we are around certain people,if the vibration you are sending out is not in tune with either Twin you will have a problem. Your energy and vibration comes from your spirit. Good spirits will welcome like spirits, bad spirits will be rejected, your spirits knows this right away.
ReplyDeleteI have, but didn't see as much of an issue with my girlfriend's twin sister. It was actually entertaining to see their non-verbal communication. It was eerily cool how they can read each others minds and laugh right in front of you and leave you utterly puzzled. I guess I always liked it when my girlfriends had very close friends, so it's natural that it's even better to have someone with an even closer bond. So twins are very lucky to have 2 "soulmates" in their lives.
ReplyDeleteHi Rob,
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see that some guys do understand that twins really do have a bond that is special and it should be viewed as an advantage and a bonus. Glad to see that you appreciated it and were not intimidated by their relationship. After all, she was only dating one person and it was you. A twin does not replace a soulmate/lover. I thank GOD everyday for making me a twin and I do consider myself a lucky person. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteLove it. As human beings we all give off very distinct aura, energy and vibes. If one pays very close attention, it is almost impossible to make a mistake!!